Quality Control and Maintenance
We make sure our security services give you maximum satisfaction.
Regular Inspection & Assessment
Clients can rest assured that our officers and their area of responsibility area regularly inspected for alertness and efficiency, and to make sure they observe proper conduct at all times.
Inspections are done at random as dictated by ASG, to accurately assess and evaluate the performance of our Security Guards at any given time.
Command Conferences
To maintain the quality of our services, we hold regular command conferences for Operations/Administrative Officers and Staff to stay updated with the latest security procedures and strategies. ASG also equips all Security Guards with the knowledge and skills to accomplish their tasks and handle every situation they may encounter on site.
Client's Management Meetings
ASG Officers or Staff Members will attend company management, or technical meetings required by our clients. We believe your needs are as unique as your professional objectives, and these meetings can guide us in crafting security programs and strategies over the course of our partnerships.
Client's Periodic Evaluation
Clients and establishments are encouraged to evaluate the services of our Security Guards to further strenghten our performance and improve where needed.
Guards' Counseling Services
Aside from training and equipment, ASG is responsible for educating and counseling our Security Personnel. This includes resolving conflicts to maintain a professional and harmonious working environment. All our Security Officers do their part in molding and maintaining the proper behavior of our Security Guards, and anyone who becomes involved in any unfavorable incident will be required to undergo counseling.
24-Hour Operations
Our Security Operations Officers and Staff operates 24 hours every day including Sundays and holidays. We can be reached any time of the day to serve all your security needs anywhere within the Metro Manila, Luzon, and Visayas areas.